
One Child's Heart Pre-Order Store

Created by Camdon Wright

This is your opportunity to pre-order the game One Child's Heart! Books, dice, tokens, and PDFs are all available. There are pivotal moments in every child’s life that shape who they become. One Child’s Heart is a tabletop roleplaying game that invites players to take the role of child welfare professionals participating in a new mental health care memory exploration experiment. The Central Limbic Engagement Recovery System (CLERS – pronounced, “clears”) brings characters into the memories of these key moments to give support and guidance to a child who needs both. Professionals help create connections and teach resilience to children who desperately need someone to care about them. The heart of this game centers on the power of a conversation. People that have a willingness to reach out to another human being in need have the power to effect real change. In this game, as in life, connections start by being brave and having a conversation. That can begin by simply asking, “Are you OK?” During the Memories, the Professionals interact with the child through conversation, finding ways to get the child to open up and hear the support the professionals are offering. The Professionals walk into the middle of a memory that they don’t have any context for, especially at the beginning of the game. They need to move beyond the surface of what’s happening to discover why the experience is so impactful to the Child find a way to build trust and get them to open up before the memory ends.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New Memories!
over 3 years ago – Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 09:47:15 PM

Have you ever felt like you know you're missing something but can't figure out what that is? Have you ever had that moment where you find a random unnamed folder on your desktop that you don't remember making? This was the Venn diagram of my life recently. 

I discovered a folder containing three lost Memories from award-winning game designer Elizabeth Chaipraditkul! We sent them off to editing and layout and turned things around quickly. Bonus content for all! The digital files for the Book of Memories have been updated on both DriveThruRPG and BackerKit and are available for download now. 

Sorry to Elizabeth for the mix-up! Mea culpa. 


Camdon (not the team this time. I'm in time out)

The Book of Memories is out!
over 3 years ago – Tue, Sep 15, 2020 at 09:36:48 PM

We are happy to announce that our stretch goal, One Child's Heart: Book of Memories, is done! Digital copies have been sent out through both BackerKit and DriveThruRPG for those that filled out thier surveys. This book contains all of the additional memories written my our amazing team of stretch goal authors.

Although it was a stretch goal we didn't reach, we will be offering a print on demand version of the Book of Memories as soon as we are done with the proofing process from DriveThruRPG. We talked with Miguel, our amazing layout artist, and found a bit in the budget to make it happen.

Thank you once again for your support of the project! Next up is the Deck of Memories!

- Camdon and the team

Books are shipping!!
over 3 years ago – Sat, Aug 29, 2020 at 12:50:06 AM

We're so happy to announce that the One Child's Heart book, dice, and tokens all started shipping this week from our fulfillment partner! If you haven't completed your BackerKit survey please do so ASAP so we can get your products to you. I will be scheduling local deliveries starting early next week. 

PDF copies of One Child's Heart have been distributed to all backers at the PDF level and above through BackerKit. For those that filled out their Kickstarter survey, you should have also received an email for a free copy at DriveThruRPG. 

Seeing pictures pop up on social media of the books in their new homes so exciting! Thank you all for sharing!

The Book of Memories that contains all of the stretch goal Memories is currently in layout and we'll be releasing it to you as soon as it's done. Copies will be sent out via both BackerKit and DriveThruRPG. After the Book of Memories has been released, Miguel will start on laying out the Memory Deck. We're getting so close!

Thank you all for your support!

Camdon and the team

Books have arrived! Backerkit locking down soon.
over 3 years ago – Sat, Aug 08, 2020 at 11:34:21 AM

Hello everyone!

I am so happy to say that the books have been printed and have arrived at our fulfillment partner! I even managed to get a box sent to me directly for any local pickups. We will start the final 48-hour lockdown process for BackerKit tomorrow so this is your last chance to update your address before books start shipping. If you run into any issues after that please message me directly and I'll do my best to get it taken care of.

We have a few stretch goals to finish up and then we'll be closing out the project. The Book of Memories, which contains all of the memories from our stretch goal writers, is done, edited, and currently in layout. The Deck of Memories is done, edited, and will hit layout next. All backers at the PDF level and above will be getting the PDF of the Book of Memories for free as part of their original pledge. The Deck will be available for order on DriveThruRPG print on demand for those that didn't back during the campaign. 

I've backed a lot of projects over the years here on Kickstarter. It's easy to lose track of the reality that many of the projects we pledge to are an investment in someone's dream. Each of you that invested in One Child's Heart, from $1 to $500, were part of the journey of taking the idea of this art that started in 2017 to a physical object I am now able to hold in my hands. That gift has touched and changed every part of my life. It has impacted my family as well and opened up different paths for my future. 

Thank you all so much for your support.

Love, Camdon and the team

The cover of the final printed book!

Professionals sheets!
almost 4 years ago – Sat, Jul 25, 2020 at 09:24:35 AM

A quick update to let everyone know that character sheets have been added to both BackerKit and DriveThruRPG! You'll find printable and form-fillable sheets for all of the Professionals in your accounts. There is also a printable quickstart Advocate sheet for creating a Child. I will also be adding all files to the Unicorn Motorcycle Games website this week as a free download.

Large print character sheets are currently in layout and should be available soon.

- Camdon and the team