
One Child's Heart Pre-Order Store

Created by Camdon Wright

This is your opportunity to pre-order the game One Child's Heart! Books, dice, tokens, and PDFs are all available. There are pivotal moments in every child’s life that shape who they become. One Child’s Heart is a tabletop roleplaying game that invites players to take the role of child welfare professionals participating in a new mental health care memory exploration experiment. The Central Limbic Engagement Recovery System (CLERS – pronounced, “clears”) brings characters into the memories of these key moments to give support and guidance to a child who needs both. Professionals help create connections and teach resilience to children who desperately need someone to care about them. The heart of this game centers on the power of a conversation. People that have a willingness to reach out to another human being in need have the power to effect real change. In this game, as in life, connections start by being brave and having a conversation. That can begin by simply asking, “Are you OK?” During the Memories, the Professionals interact with the child through conversation, finding ways to get the child to open up and hear the support the professionals are offering. The Professionals walk into the middle of a memory that they don’t have any context for, especially at the beginning of the game. They need to move beyond the surface of what’s happening to discover why the experience is so impactful to the Child find a way to build trust and get them to open up before the memory ends.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Stretch Goal Unlocked: Upgraded Character Sheets!
almost 5 years ago – Sun, May 12, 2019 at 07:11:11 PM

Hey rockstars!

We're so excited to announce that we hit $11,000 and have unlocked Upgraded Character Sheets! That's so incredible and we can't believe we've come this far. It's all thanks to you wonderful people and we owe you so much gratitude. 

We know so many gamers play online through online gaming communities that having character sheets designed for that style of play is important. We'll be creating form fillable PDF character sheets so that folks won't need to create their own sheets for online play. 

Besides online play, we're hoping to make character sheets more accessible. To that end, we'll also be making large print character sheets for anyone with visual impairments or difficulty seeing smaller writing on character sheets. 

These character sheets will be beautifully laid out and designed by both Camdon and Miguel. 

If you have any needs in a character sheet that would make the game more accessible for you, please don't hesitate to let us know! We'd love to work on the character sheets to make them easier for you to use and the game easier for you to play. If there's something we can do to make the game more accessible besides making our character sheets different, let us know and we will do our best to meet your needs!

Our next stretch goal is 10 new memories, created by Nell Raban, Agatha Cheng, and Laura Simpson! We can't wait to get them onto the team and see what memories they bring to the table!

Have a great Tuesday and thank you once again for all your support, love, and kindness. 

All our love,

Camdon and the Team 

Meet the Team: Jabari Weathers
almost 5 years ago – Tue, May 07, 2019 at 10:39:53 AM

Happy Monday! May today be kind and gentle with you, friends.

When One Child's Heart was just beginning to form as a project, we knew the cover art had to be incredible. Camdon's first instinct was to reach out to the ever impressive Jabari Weathers whose art continues to be one of the most beautiful, skilled, and absolutely dynamic in the industry.

The two worked together to create the masterful cover for One Child's Heart. Working with Jabari is always a pleasure. They're one of the most nuanced, creative, and fantastic people we know. Beyond their amazing skills an artist, they are also a fantastic game designer with a big heart and compassionate soul. We are so lucky we got to work with them for One Child's Heart and we can't wait to keep working with them.

Jabari Weathers is a black, nonbinary scifi/fantasy illustrator in Baltimore, Maryland that makes surreal and strange images for books and games. They also design games. You can find their work at and follow them on twitter (GoblinPrincete), and instagram (jmwillustration).

We asked Jabari to share more about themselves with us.

What’s one way you want to see the world become more empathetic?

I'd love to see the world as I've been witness to it have a more responsible relationship with accountability. I wish that we were better at being and holding ourselves accountable, and I wish that we were also more compassionate toward those in our lives who attempt to hold themselves responsible for their own mistakes and attempt to learn from them. I've seen a lot of singed and burnt bridges recently from people who are attempting to learn, and it makes me sad to imagine how isolating that is, and how we're cutting each other off from the ability to learn, support and improve our communities and ourselves. Without a restorative approach to holding others accountable, we also have inhibited the ability for our circles to learn in the first place.

What’s something you’re working on you want to promote?

I'm making a really exciting illustration for Big Bad Con, but I also wanna just talk about how exciting and awesome it's shaping up to be as a whole, and the loving, radical support I've been getting from that team in my collaboration with them thus far. A lot of humans who push the kind of empathetic design that One Child's Heart finds are going to be there, and I'm excited about how I've been asked to be a part of it's face on the creative side this year!

Thank you once again for all your love, support, and generosity. We're continually touched by how much support we've received and can't wait to share this game with you. 

All our love,

Camdon and the Team

Meet the Team: Serena Verde
almost 5 years ago – Tue, May 07, 2019 at 10:38:24 AM

We're so excited it's the weekend because it means we got to play awesome games yesterday! Hopefully your weekend is filled with dice rolling, friends, and badass characters too!

When we first started recruiting artists, we reached out to our good friend Jabari to source amazing people. But we also did a lot of searching on deviantart and other artists websites to find skilled professionals. We felt so incredibly lucky to find Serena Verde there.

Serena is an incredibly skilled, wonderful human being we couldn't have done this project without. She instantly understood what we wanted, what the game was about, and the tone and feel the images should have. As we worked with her, it became clear that Serena was an integral part our team and quickly became the lead artist on the project. Her art is stunning and she has the compassion and love that has become a core part of all our of team members.

Traditional artist based in Italy, Serena has two fully functioning hands that she uses in equal measure to pet her dog and draw pictures. Serena has been working as a freelance illustrator since 2009, but as of today she is still amazed people are willing to pay for her work, leading her to believe that the impossible does not only happen in the fantasy worlds she likes to illustrate.

Living proof that not allowing your kid to attend art school in fear for their future sometimes is not enough to make them stop drawing and still ruin their future, she mostly went through her art journey as a self-taught, until she managed to get herself into some three years illustration course at the local "Scuola Intenazionale di Comics", where she was granted a "Glad you Where Here" certificate. She kept working on commissions for several authors and lovely people through the years, as well as developing different personal projects, her first self published artbook "Cinera" (2014) being one of these. Among her current goals, being finally able to talk to her plants is high priority, closely followed by bringing to life all the art projects -personal and not- she is currently working on.

We asked Serena to share more about herself with us.

Who is someone who was important in your life as a child?

That would be my parents, definitely. 

In retrospect I realize I must have been a rather challenging kid to deal with, especially for first-time parents, but they still did their best, even when they didn't fully understand. Besides, they allowed me to develop and nurture all my interests, providing me everything I needed to do so even when they probably thought it was just a waste of time, and that made all the difference to me.

What’s one way you want to see the world become more empathetic?

I'd love to see people become more aware of the impact they have on their surroundings, from both an ecological and a social point of view, taking responsibilities for their actions instead of hiding behind a finger while hoping for changes to come from somewhere else... And yes, I guess that was just a semi-polite way to say "I wished we stopped being assholes to other people and nature and actively started to make the difference".

Thank you so much for your kindness, folks, and we hope you find some love this weekend. We're just under $400 away from unlocking our next stretch goal! Stay with us and keep this project going!

All our love,

Camdon and the Team